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  • Writer's pictureDroey Drawson

June 2021 Update

Hi everyone, so it's been a while! A fair amount has happened but doing Uni work has made it very difficult to keep on top of things, unfortunately this blog and the website suffered from this. So I thought I'd write this post to keep you up to date with what's going on.


Currently I am still posting 3 times a week, with no determined time of day. Recently I have had Wednesdays taken off my Uni timetable due to us only sitting one module from this point till the end of July so it should be easier for me to be more consistent with the timing of my posts.


While I initially aimed to upload videos weekly, it's been a bit difficult coming up with video ides and then scheduling the time to record and upload them. I am still very much active and aiming to get at least multiple videos a month out. Again with my amount of uni classes decreasing for the summer, it should make for more time I can fit in for putting videos together. Coming up with video ideas I can execute are another matter.

On a side note, to help resolve the latter, I am working on a series of tutorial style video where you can learn from my art and get advice for your own drawings. This will have it's own playlist under the name 'How Droey Draws', with the first installment being available to view now.


I'm not sure if I've actually announced it yet, but I have an Artfol now. For those of you who don't know, Artfol is an app similar to Instagram which is dedicated to artists. I haven't posted on there frequently but I do come back every now and then to add content, sometimes which has never been seen on any of my other social media. I can't provide a link at the moment but you can find me as 'droeydrawson' if you feel like following me on there.


I'm not currently open for commissions, due to Uni work being in the way, but would like I think I'll be able to open up shop briefly in the summer. In the meantime, you can still buy my prints from Redbubble. The link can be found on my Instagram and this website's homepage.


I'm not gonna lie, Uni has burnt me out fairly bad. It's been a hard year thanks to the pandemic which has left our classes understaffed and having to extend our year by two months in order to get the work done. While the worst is over with, the damage is done and I'm looking forward to a break. I don't want to have to go on hiatus in order to refuel my creativity but I am definitely producing content at a slower pace in the mean time.

This isn't very well timed as I have recently filled my sketchbook and started a new one which I wanted to try a more creative and casual approach with. I'm kind of stuck in that mindset where whatever I put to paper isn't good enough which is fun, I'll ride it out soon I'm sure! At least I'm enjoying the digital art I create, I've started working on facial expression charts again which I'm hoping to get done for a lot more characters now.

That's about it for updates, so I'll bid you all a good day! Make sure to follow my social media to keep in the loop, take care!

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