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  • Writer's pictureDroey Drawson

Return to YouTube

So something pretty big has happened this year, after over a whole year's hiatus, I'm back to making YouTube videos!

Long time fans may have seen my old videos, speed-draws and comic strips which ranged from 3 to 10 minutes long; usually and rarely having any dialogue or narration. The videos focused on myself creating an artwork and then presenting it at the end of the video. While this is is a formula I'd like to return to, I'm not quite ready for that yet.

My videos of late (at the time of writing this there are 4 released videos) have a much longer runtime going between 20 and 40 minutes of real time footage as I narrate the process of whatever the video has me doing. This time around, what I'm doing on paper is more varied, ranging from University work to trying out new products. I think this is the best summary for how things have changed; it's no longer watching me make art but sitting with me while I make the art.

While I do have a list of videos I want to make, as well as things I'll film myself doing in case I don't have free time, I'm eager to know what you'd all like to see me do for my videos now that I have made my comeback to YouTube. Feel free to lave your suggestions for video ideas below!

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